Module plan

Plan Builder Internally holds a graph of Task Nodes which can be grown by using the methods.


place (player_id, position, name) adds a PLACE node to graph If required first a WALK node is inserted to walk near the item to place
group_end () adds a GROUP END node to graph
mine (player_id, position, name, count) adds a MINE node to graph If required first a WALK node is inserted to walk near the item to mine
task_graph_graphviz () build graphviz from task graph
walk (player_id, position, radius) adds a WALK node to graph
task_graph_mermaid_gantt () build mermaid gantt from task graph
group_start (label) adds a GROUP START node to graph Groups are used to synchronize bots so their tasks are completed before the next group is started.


place (player_id, position, name)
adds a PLACE node to graph If required first a WALK node is inserted to walk near the item to place



group_end ()
adds a GROUP END node to graph
mine (player_id, position, name, count)
adds a MINE node to graph If required first a WALK node is inserted to walk near the item to mine


  • player_id int id of player
  • position types.Position
  • name string name of item to mine
  • count int how many items to mine
task_graph_graphviz ()
build graphviz from task graph


    string graphviz string
walk (player_id, position, radius)
adds a WALK node to graph


  • player_id int id of player
  • position types.Position
  • radius int how close to walk to
task_graph_mermaid_gantt ()
build mermaid gantt from task graph


    string mermaid string
group_start (label)
adds a GROUP START node to graph Groups are used to synchronize bots so their tasks are completed before the next group is started. Should be closed with group_end.


generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2022-06-27 20:24:33